Dec 30, 2023Liked by Sarah K. Butterfield

Thanks for sharing honestly about disappointments last year. So often, people only share the successes, and it feels like I’m the only for whom things don’t always work out.

I started a part time job last April, with high hopes, and it hasn’t worked out and I’m looking (again) for another job. But I feel guilty admitting that it hasn’t worked out. I’m almost forty. And although I’m married with four kids and that part of life is great, I still haven’t figured out a job for myself. 😔

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I'm so sorry your part-time job wasn't what you'd hoped! Vocational woes can feel so hard, sometimes, especially when we feel pressured to have it all figured out by now. Praying you'll find the right position soon!

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Yes, to all this. Understanding that embracing our limitations is not giving up or giving in, rather it is a journey to live well the life we actually have. Learning to accept and live with limitations instead of fighting against them has been a gift in my own life.

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Yes! I had a feeling you would understand :). Love how you put that: "to live well the life we actually have"... Exactly what I'm aiming for in the new year!

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