Feb 12Liked by Sarah K. Butterfield

You’ve got me curious as to how the choir director taught you how to hit certain notes. I love to sing, though I don’t have a noteworthy voice. I sang to my kids all through their growing up years, though mostly when they were younger. I love to sing hymns in the car (transforms traffic attitude).

I also am wondering what gift God might have for you as you give up writing for Lent. Blessings on your worship of fasting from something you love for someone you love more.

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She did a lot of physical things with us, loosening tension in places and encouraging us to open our mouths wide! Then she did a series of vocal exercises with us and told us it's okay to belt it out and even sound squeaky :) By the end of it, I was loosened and confident enough to hit some very high notes! Anyways, thank you for your encouraging comment!

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Feb 20Liked by Sarah K. Butterfield

I will miss your reflections, but pray you have a truly fruitful Lent! Ironically, connecting with God through song is one of my Lenten practices this year.

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Thank you so much, Angela! And I think connecting with God through music is a lovely Lenten practice!

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